Friday, December 5, 2008

RESOLUTION: Later Start Times for High School




WHEREAS, the mission of the Dearborn PTSA is to advocate on behalf of children, and

WHEREAS, the Mission of the Dearborn Public Schools, in partnership with families and the community, is to educate all students to high academic standards within a safe, stimulating environment and ensure they are prepared to become productive citizens.

WHEREAS, making decisions in the best interests of the children is always our paramount concern, and

WHEREAS, high school classes in Dearborn currently begin at 7:20 am, and

WHEREAS, research on the issue of optimal school starting times uniformly supports the finding that later starting times for high school students is more appropriate due to the inherent sleep cycles of high school age students, and

WHEREAS, students falling asleep and/or being drowsy in class in the first two hours of class is common and acknowledged by students, staff and administrators, and

WHEREAS, tired or sleeping students logically can not be as likely be educated to high academic standards as those students who are more rested.


IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Dearborn PTSA Council hereby urges the establishment of a later starting time for high school students consistent with data developed in studies conducted on the subject, the missions of the Dearborn PTSA and Dearborn Public Schools and best educational interests of our high school students.

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dearborn PTSA Council further urges the Dearborn Public Schools Board of Education and administration to make the establishment of later high school starting times a high priority with implementation to occur not later than the beginning of school in August, 2009.

So resolved and entered this __ day of ___, 2008, at Dearborn, Michigan.

X___Collette Dunsmore, President Dearborn PTSA Council

X___Brenda Kaleto, Secretary Dearborn PTSA Council

1 comment:

  1. Although I think this would be a good idea, due to little minds unable to wake up and work, "if you give them an inch, they'll want a mile." We have been working with late arrival times on Wed. with classes starting at 8:15. Stop by the attendance office or ask a Fordson teacher about the # of tardies/lates. It seems to increase! Mo Sion
